Phil Henry Interview – God Saves All! POWER MESSAGE #145

What a treat to be interviewed recently by Anissa Zucker, one of my Facebook friends, for her YouTube channel entitled, “Kainos Education & Youth Services”. Kainos is a Greek word that means, “new or fresh”, and it is our conviction that God is and will be making “all things new” as per Revelation 21:5.

Thus, I hope this 30-minute interview blesses and encourages you, and here is a sample of the topics we covered:

0.40 Dealing with chaos

6.25 Dealing with fear and religion

8.40 The toxicity of believing in “eternal conscious torment” and people getting “saved”

12.40 Two viewpoints of salvation, using a football analogy

15.20 “Raising Hell” and “Will God Save All?” (shouts to Julie Ferwerda, Rev. Peter Hiett and Rev. Rick Knapp)

23.00 Did Jesus talk more about Hell than Heaven?

27:00 Is the Book of Revelation scary?


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