PHIL’S FAV: Derek Redmond’s Unforgettable Olympic Race- Never Give Up!


Like many of you, I have been greatly enjoying the 2016 Rio Olympic Games and certainly am proud our USA athletes and their overall world athletic dominance! Yet is was this touching video that I saw from the 1992 games involving British runner Derek Redmond, and his Never Give Up attitude, who with a little help from his father, came in last place in the race, but first place in our hearts.

As I watched the replay of Derek’s race (and I urge you view it also), I am reminded of our friend Tony Lonero, who was featured in our #8 FIVE MINUTE POWER MESSAGE with his own brand of Non Mollare, which is Italian for, Never Give Up. I hope you’ll re-watch that Power Message on our website, as I re-group after a wonderful family vacation and plan to have a new Power Message ready for next week.


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