Who doesn’t love John 3:16
Evangelical Christians LOVE John 3:16? In fact, Tim Tebow, a dude that I totally respect, drew a lot of attention to this verse when he wore it under his eyes in the 2009 National...
Home > Justification
Justification 3
by Phil Henry
- added 6 years ago
John 3:16, “For God so loved the world…” is a Christian fav. So will unbelievers in Jesus perish/suffer in hell forever, or does the Greek word for perish (apollumi) mean something else?
by Phil Henry
- added 6 years ago
The word “many” can mean a MAJORITY or it can mean ALL, depending on the context. In Romans 5, Paul said "THE MANY" will be justified because of what Jesus did. How many does that mean? Are you included?