Home / Power Blog / POWER BLOG #15: Living on the corner of Heaven and Earth

POWER BLOG #15: Living on the corner of Heaven and Earth 6

Shortly after Jesus was baptized and His earthy ministry started, two guys approached Him in John 1:35-39 and asked, “where do you live?” He said, “Come and see.”

Now when someone asks me where I live, if I’m local I say “South Fayette Township,” or if I’m traveling I’ll respond, “Pittsburgh.”  I usually am not in the habit of saying “come home with me right now and see.”  My wife Beth is an amazing and gracious hostess, but she usually prefers a little advance notice before we entertain guests!

Yet the invitation to check out His physical location was only a precursor, an offer of fellowship, which would be followed up by an offer to live…within our hearts.

The Word of God reveals that God the Father sent His Son to be the Savior…of the world. Guess what…He is the Savior of the world, whether we believe it or not! Yet something very special happens when we acknowledge who Christ is, when we tell God the Father that we are believing in His Son. He comes to dwell within us! We start living together. Our spirit becomes alive in Christ and we start experiencing Heaven, while on earth.

When you believe in Jesus (and by the way, He is the one who actually will draw all men to Himself per John 12:32) you start living on the corner of Heaven Street and Earth Avenue. The Apostle Paul described this in  Ephesians 3:14-17

For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. 

Here are three important truths about living on the corner of Heaven Street and Earth Avenue:

1.  Paul wrote that God is the Father…watch this… of every family!  He is the Father of all.  Want more proof? When Jesus taught a crowd how to pray, He said to start your prayer like this in Matthew 6:9; “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name…” Whose Father? Our Father. He is the Father of all!

2.  When we “bow our knees” to Him, which is to acknowledge who God is, the Father of all and Savior of all, we enter into a relationship with Him.  He comes to dwell within us, not just around us. What are the benefits of that? Only being “strengthened with His power,” which is to say that God living within us helps us in the here and now, providing us with guidance, confidence and eternal assurance. Our ministry describes this as living in “power without fear!” How’d you like to live like that? Lots of benefits at the corner of Heaven Street and Earth Avenue.

3.  One day you’re going to bow your knees to God and you’re going to confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. You’re going to do here on earth or when you meet Him in Heaven, as per Isaiah 45:23Romans 14:11Philippians 2:10-11 and Revelation 1:7. Why not do it now? Move to the corner of Heaven Street and Earth Avenue!

Let me encourage you to tell God the Father, God YOUR Father, that you recognize, you acknowledge, you believe that His Son Jesus is the Savior of the world. In doing so, He’ll move into your heart and you’ll discover true fellowship. It will grow deeper and more profound as you read God’s word, meditate on it and apply it to your life, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The decision that God made in eternity past, which was sealed 2000 years ago on a cross, was to be the Savior of all. The decision that we make today is to make that salvation effective and to enter into fellowship with Him.

In closing, while Jesus walked this earth, He could show you were He lived, He could say “come and see.”  I hope you’ll see the benefits of bowing your knees to Him and confessing your faith in Him now. You’ll then get to live the balance of your life on the corner of Heaven Street and Earth Avenue, the best address ever 🙂

P.S. This blog has a companion FIVE MINUTE POWER MESSAGE that can be viewed on our website. Here’s the link:  https://www.philhenrypowergospel.org/video/five-min-power-message-27-where-do-you-live-1-28-17/

Phil Henry is a financial adviser and also an ordained minister who founded and produces short videos and blogs at Phil Henry Power Gospel.  

7 thoughts on “POWER BLOG #15: Living on the corner of Heaven and Earth

  1. That is the message of Jesus and Paul…eonian life is NOW, or can be right now, wherever you live and breathe. It is shifting our awareness to the incredible liberty and spaciousness of being connected to our Source in any moment of life. Love it!

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