Big Phil was larger than life, a wonderful family man, a friend to many, and a committed community servant. Join Fr. Charles Bober and Deacon Al Heiles as they celebrated this Mass. I was also honored to offer ...
Power Sermons (6)
Full length sermons
Recently I was honored to speak at Prayer Chapel Ministries, and pay tribute to Daryl Milliner, a “father-figure” to me when I came to know Christ. I also shared that God is the Father of ALL, and that He syste...
Many of my previous 56 POWER MESSAGES share my belief that God will ultimately save all of mankind. Why the emphasis?
(1) I believe this is the story of the Bible.
(2) I believe that many people who might...
We explore various questions around Universal Salvation. What about the verses in the Bible that speak of Hell? How do we reconcile those scriptures with God's love?
It was a pleasure to guest preach at Tetelestai Church on Palm Sunday, 2016. What is the significance of palm branches anyways, and what does the word "Hosanna" mean? How does this historical account impact my ...
We revisit the story of Joseph and make some interesting parallels. Who was Joseph? Why did he suffer? How can we draw comparisons? Follow along with this interesting sermon!