You may think that your prayer requests are not being answered. I submit that they are, every single one of them! Allow me to explain.
In the Gospel of Matthew, chapters 5-7 are referred to as the Sermon on ...
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prayer 10
by Phil Henry
- added 6 years ago
Does God answer your prayers? I say YES, every single one! Thanks to a recent blog from Pastor Rick Warren that I re-worked into this FIVE MIN. POWER MESSAGE. Watch…and keep praying!
by Phil Henry
- added 7 years ago
Why bother praying, will it change anything or is God’s will already predetermined? That’s a BIG question that I will answer by offering three important benefits of prayer. I pray that you'll watch :)
by Phil Henry
- added 7 years ago
Would you like God to demonstrate His love by OPENING doors meant to promote you in life? Just as important would be for Him to CLOSE doors meant to protect you. God does this more than we realize, but maybe as...
by Phil Henry
- added 7 years ago
Millennials have been dubbed “The Anxious Generation,” yet anxiety is no respecter of a demographic group. Philippians 4 tells us to be “anxious for nothing," and goes on to offer a solution. Watch this POWER M...
by Phil Henry
- added 7 years ago
When does a top bodybuilder resemble an ordinary person who needs to “lose a few?” When he needs to lose fears! Be inspired by what Anthony Mowod is doing off-stage to out-muscle worries.
by Phil Henry
- added 7 years ago
Recently while chatting with a friend, the subject of religion surfaced; he was surprised when I stated I was NOT religious! After I explained why, he bought. Watch this to see what I said.
by Phil Henry
- added 7 years ago
With regard to PRAYER REQUESTS, you and I have the “prayer” part in common, while the “requests” will differ. Philippians 4 is a favorite scripture of mine related to our attitude before we pray and action as w...
by Phil Henry
- added 8 years ago
In real life, can change the heart of those in authority by our prayers? We can, but per 1 Timothy 2:8, there are two prerequisites we must follow. What are they?
by Phil Henry
- added 9 years ago
Sometimes when storms are crashing in all around us, we need to be reminded that God is in control. Using the example of Moses, let this Power Message remind you to stand still and rest in your faith in God!