What exactly does a "Judgment in Gehenna" mean? Would it entail being tortured forever in a place that some would call "Hell"? Or would those whom Jesus spoke directly around AD 30, would they die an earthy dea...
Home > Hell
Hell 10
by Phil Henry
- added 3 years ago
Did Jesus ever say, “Go to hell”? Was "hell" even in his vocabulary? This Power Message introduces the word GEHENNA. Jesus did speak this word 11 times in the Gospels. Was He referencing an other-worldly place ...
by Phil Henry
- added 4 years ago
When you hear the word “Hades” what do you think of? Most Christians have been taught it's the equivalent of Hell, a place where unbelievers in Jesus will suffer forever. Yet, what if Hades, a Greek word, actua...
by Phil Henry
- added 4 years ago
SHEOL is a Hebrew word that means "grave," yet many within Christianity have stretched that term to mean ‘HELL’ and its fiery imagery. But since the death and resurrection of Jesus, SHEOL has been vacated! So n...
by Phil Henry
- added 4 years ago
Sheol is an oft-used Hebrew, Old Testament word that means “grave, place of the dead.” Yet Christianity, largely influenced by the King James Version, has hijacked this word and renamed it to “HELL” with all of...
by Phil Henry
- added 4 years ago
Didn’t Jesus warn more about Hell than He shared about Heaven? You may be intrigued to learn that many translations of the Bible do not even use the word HELL, not even once! How could that be? Watch this.
by Phil Henry
- added 4 years ago
Many Christians relate “salvation” to escaping Hell. If there is a Hell to escape, is it avoided by good behavior? By making a good decision? Or maybe the "Good News" is that Jesus already covered you...
by Phil Henry
- added 6 years ago
A follow-up to our recent post, (This Chick is Raising Hell) this video deals with two important questions: (1) If God is going to save all people, why did Jesus die on a cross/doesn’t that cheapen grace? (2) H...
by Phil Henry
- added 6 years ago
Julie Ferwerda may be "just a small town girl" but she offers big-time wisdom. She's the author of RAISING HELL, a fascinating and fun read, which offers strong evidence that HELL was not the invention of a lov...
by Phil Henry
- added 7 years ago
Some portions of scripture can make you nervous, especially passages that appear to speak of eternal damnation. I once believed that eternal doom was the fate of those who rejected Jesus Christ as Savior. With ...