Ever been humbled? Been humiliated by others? What should your response be? Jesus demonstrated the exact prescription for handling such circumstances. See if my lesson to teens at church resonates with you.
Home > Tetelestai
Tetelestai 4
by Phil Henry
- added 4 years ago
SHEOL is a Hebrew word that means "grave," yet many within Christianity have stretched that term to mean ‘HELL’ and its fiery imagery. But since the death and resurrection of Jesus, SHEOL has been vacated! So n...
by Phil Henry
- added 7 years ago
The Trinity, God in three persons. Not three gods, but three persons who are CO-EQUAL, CO-ETERNAL and who fully COOPERATE.
Confusing? Give me five minutes for this POWER MESSAGE and I will share that even thou...
by Phil Henry
- added 7 years ago
Has life scarred you? Maybe you've been mistreated or suffered a deep emotional wound? Maybe you've lost a loved one that still deeply hurts? I hope this POWER MESSAGE will effect some healing. Jesus bears unfa...