It seems that “God” and “On Campus” do not go together these days. Yet something very special is going on at Indiana U of PA. Watch this Five Min. Power Message to see if God is on campus….
Home > John 12:32
John 12:32 5
by Phil Henry
- added 6 years ago
Jesus said He would “draw all people to himself.” Yet it seem that a large percentage of people have either rejected Him as Savior or neglected Him…they don’t really care. If so, what happens to them in the end...
by Phil Henry
- added 8 years ago
This POWER MESSAGE cleverly borrows a phrase from a Geico commercial in order to share how the historical event that was Easter Sunday can actually cause you to be "raised" with Christ, right now! Please watch ...
by Phil Henry
- added 8 years ago
Is it God's intent to bring believers in Christ to heaven while sending unbelievers to hell, a place of forever torment? The "English plain text" seems to say so, but NOT the "Greek plain text!" Let's see what ...
by Phil Henry
- added 9 years ago
Does God's love and forgiveness extend to non-Christians? To those who have merged portions of Christianity with philosophies from other religious systems? What should the Christian's response be to non-believe...