I had the privilege, once again, to speak to the IUP football team at a recent pre-game chapel service. My message focused on overcoming adversity, both on the field and in life. I shared the stories of three y...
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Football 6
by Phil Henry
- added 1 year ago
Serving as guest speaker at a recent IUP football pre-game chapel service, I spoke about a recent loss, which, due to an end-of-game fiasco, “scarred” the team. Yet as I shared, would the team allow their seaso...
by Phil Henry
- added 2 years ago
In an annual, pre-game chapel message to football players at my alma mater, I challenged these young men to consider, when adversities come, do you fall off of a slippery rock or stand on The Solid Rock, who is...
by Phil Henry
- added 5 years ago
IUP is my alma mater - I played football there. Recently I LOVED sharing at an optional pre-game devotional, the importance of knowing their playbook for football and God’s playbook for life!
by Phil Henry
- added 6 years ago
It seems that “God” and “On Campus” do not go together these days. Yet something very special is going on at Indiana U of PA. Watch this Five Min. Power Message to see if God is on campus….
by Phil Henry
- added 7 years ago
At a recent HS reunion, I was privileged to speak to our football team. The 7-time state champs had fallen on hard times. Watch this POWER MESSAGE to hear what I said. I'll also tell you why I believe that God ...